Introducing the Akatsuki Biker Mask, inspired by the iconic Naruto anime series. This sleek black mask features the bold red clouds of the Akatsuki organization. Comfortable, durable, and adjustable, it's perfect for cosplay, motorcycle rides, or adding a touch of ninja style to your everyday look. Unleash your inner ninja now!
Product Specifications:
Material: Breathable Polyester
Length: Approx 10 inch
Type: Scarf bandana
Weight: 10 g
Packaging: Plastic
Introducing the Akatsuki Biker Mask, inspired by the iconic Naruto anime series. This sleek black mask features the bold red clouds of the Akatsuki organization. Comfortable, durable, and adjustable, it's perfect for cosplay, motorcycle rides, or adding a touch of ninja style to your everyday look. Unleash your inner ninja now!
Product Specifications:
Material: Breathable Polyester
Length: Approx 10 inch
Type: Scarf bandana
Weight: 10 g
Packaging: Plastic